How To: Craft a designer charmstring with beaded wire clasps for your purse

Craft a designer charmstring with beaded wire clasps for your purse

Lots of designer purse companies, especially Coach and Kate Spade, LOVE attaching beaded charms to their purses and clutches. Sparkly little bits and pieces add extra pizazz to anything they're attached to.

But you don't have to pay a high price for such wares. Check out this video to learn how to craft a designer charmstring with beaded wire clasps.

TWO easy techniques in this video for you to try. One involves our clasp44 Lanyard Lobster Clasp, a length of chain and some charms and pretty beads to make an easy but showy designer-style charmstring to hang off the side of a funky purse. You'll be making them and your friends and customers will all want them....make them in theme by color, or with charms by animal, nature and charm themes. They are easy, fun and B'sue shows you how to get started in this video. Also, a quick and easy way to make a hook clasp with 18 ga wire.

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